Sleep, It Does a Family Good

Archibald Hart’s book, Sleep, It Does a Family Good, offers help and hope for those who realize they need more sleep and those who don’t.  He explains the role of sleep in all aspects of our lives.  He offers suggestions on ways for every family member to get the sleep they need.  He even gives simple tests to determine if you are getting enough.  He discusses, not only, the sleep patterns of a busy mom wearing too many hats, but he  also talks of sleepiness in our children and teens and what is going on in our lives to contribute to it.  He relates marital problems, relationship problems, and even spiritual problems to sleep deprivation.
This book is packed full of great advice and exercises to rid us of our tiredness.  How wonderful it will be to wake up every morning refreshed, well rested, and ready to conquer the day.  He ends with exercises to help us end the day relaxed and ready to fall asleep quickly.  I love his ideas - reflecting on good things that have happened in our day, letting go of aggravating things, and dwelling on God.  What better way to end our day.
I loved this book, it is an easy read.  I would recommend it to everyone, business man/woman, stay-at-home mom, single person, families, Christians, non-Christians, teens, and everyone in between.  I believe it is never too late to start taking better care of ourselves, and with the advice in this book, we can conquer our sleep health.
I received this complimentary book from Tyndale Publishers in exchange for my honest opinion, thank you.

Walk Like You Have Somewhere to Go

This is the story of Lucille O’Neal, mother of one of the greatest athletes of all time, Shaquille O’Neal.  It reveals her journey through life.  It starts with her upbringing by very rigid grandparents, walks through her battles of being a single mother, a wife, an alcoholic, a college student in her forties, and then being divorced and making a new way for herself.  She talks of her struggles with her sons fame and the downfalls of him becoming independently wealthy.  She shares her hurts and joys and her return to Christ late in life.
This book is an easy read, it is always interesting, to me, to see how others deal with the challenges of life.  I hated that she didn’t turn to Christ earlier in her marriage.  She really seemed to be of the opinion that her marriage wasn’t worth the effort to make it be what God intends for us to have in a marriage.  
I would recommend this book to anyone wanting to read about her struggles raising Shaquille and dealing with life, but only for enjoyment, not for wisdom.
I have been blessed with a free copy of this book from Thomas Nelson for review.


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I am a fully devoted follower of Christ!! I love my husband and kids more than I ever thought you could love. I have a wonderful granddaughter who is the most precious little girl in the world. I am a long time homeschool mom and love every minute of it. I thank God every day for blessing me with my family and allowing me to be able to stay home and devote my life to them!!!
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